Hi Everyone,
OK OK so it's been really long since I posted something, and I was planning to post everything I have been doing at Animation Mentor, unfortunately I have let that go on the side so badly, that I can't remember all the details of the classes, only the important stuff of course ;). But I can say that I did finish the course and got my diploma! Wohooo!
Since I finished the course, I have been looking for a job in the animation field, and I applied for Oktober, which is a local New Zealand animation studio doing great stuff for Nickelodeon cartoons. I got a interview with them and they got me doing a animation test, but unfortunately I didn't get the internship :(. But that's not going to let me down, if anything it has really given me some confidence in my own work, I was just happy they liked what I could do, just that there were probably people with more talented and experienced out there. Well all the best to them and their projects, maybe some day I will get my chance :).
So what I thought I would do with the following series of post is basically talk about the animation test they got me to do. So I only had four days to animate this 12sec dialogue piece, and I didn't try to work on it for the whole four days without sleep, because what they were looking for was how well I would do in a normal day to day situation, to see what speed and level I was at.
In the next few posts on the blog I will be going through my planning stages, and video references, and finally I will post the result of my animation, so stay tune folks, there might be some interesting things to read up on :), well I hope interesting :P.
Meng the animated Hobbit.
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